I got rebirth by saving me from Pneumothorax (air bubble in the lung)
I got rebirth by saving me from Pneumothorax (air bubble in the lung). One begins to believe that one would get cured if Aniruddha Bapu wishes.
I got rebirth by saving me from Pneumothorax (air bubble in the lung). One begins to believe that one would get cured if Aniruddha Bapu wishes.
Live Streaming of English Translations of Parampoojya Bapu's pravachans - On every Sunday morning, the English Upasana is conducted. Now there will be live streaming of the English Upasana, followed by the narration and explanation of Parampoojya Bapu’s pravachans in English by Poorvaveera Kulkarni.
Bharat वनवासाची चौदा वर्षे उलटल्यावर एक दिवस जरी रामाच्या आगमनास उशीर झाला तर रामवियोग सहन न झाल्याने मी अग्निप्रवेश करीन, अशी प्रतिज्ञl केलेल्या भरताची भेट घेण्यास राम हनुमंताला पाठवतो. त्या हनुमंत-भरत भेटीबद्द्ल...