Sadguru Aniruddha Bapu

Post related to topic - donald trump

The lethal mix of American Arms and Pakistani nukes

The lethal mix of American Arms and Pakistani nukes

Pakistani nukes, if accessible to Taliban, pose a grave global risk. Former US President Donald Trump has criticised these actions by the Biden administration.

Middle East countries deporting Uyghurs to China; Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin face heat from all ends globally

Middle East countries deporting Uyghurs to China; Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin face heat from all ends globally

We have been hearing about 1.3 million Uyghurs languishing in Chinese internment camps.

'Fauci emails leak' opens a can worms; China's pandemic created a world polarised by inequality

'Fauci emails leak' opens a can worms; China's pandemic created a world polarised by inequality

US President Trump's 'Deal of the Century' for Israel-Palestine Peace

US President Trump's 'Deal of the Century' for Israel-Palestine Peace

All the Palestinian groups have come together against the ‘Deal of the century’ announced by President Trump. There was no Palestinian leader

अमरिकी राष्ट्राध्यक्ष ट्रम्प और मेक्सिको वॉल का मसला

अमरिकी राष्ट्राध्यक्ष ट्रम्प और मेक्सिको वॉल का मसला

अमरिकी राष्ट्राध्यक्ष ट्रम्प और मेक्सिको वॉल का मसला - ‘मेक्सिको वॉल’ के लिए आपतकाल घोषित करेंगे’ – अमरिकी राष्ट्राध्यक्ष ट्रम्प इनकी चेतावनी

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