Sadguru Aniruddha Bapu

Post related to topic - devotees experiences of aniruddha bapu marathi

By the grace of Aniruddha Bapu my Thyroid Gland operation was successful

By the grace of Aniruddha Bapu my Thyroid Gland operation was successful

Bapu relieved my fear of Thyroid Gland operation and made operation successful.

Aniruddha Bapu's blessings help me to recover fast after Hernia and Amniotic sac removal operation

Aniruddha Bapu's blessings help me to recover fast after Hernia and Amniotic sac removal operation

By the Aniruddha Bapu blessing within two and half i got fully recovered after operation which previously doctor told me about 6 months of bedrest.

Aniruddha Bapu's Udi helped me on many occasions (अनिरुद्ध बापूंच्या उदीने मला अनेक प्रसंगी मदत केली)

Aniruddha Bapu's Udi helped me on many occasions (अनिरुद्ध बापूंच्या उदीने मला अनेक प्रसंगी मदत केली)

Following Bapu's words and applying his Udi Bhasma made our lives miraculously better.

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