The Invocation of Shree Rudra: Bapu (Aniruddhasinh) Reads a Poem
On the day of the Shivaratri poojan in the month of Shravan, Bapu said, "The great poet Shri. B.R. Tambe has written a poem on
Shree Rudra. It would be really nice if we get hold of it today." Suchitdada promptly downloaded the poem for Bapu from the internet and then Bapu read us the poem. I happened to get the opportunity to record it on the cell phone. We really enjoyed it. It is truly special for every one of us.
To this post, I am attaching for all, the audio clip of the poem that Bapu read to us. I am very sure all my friends will love it.
1) Audio Clip
(To download the audio clips kindly click above)
2) Text
रुद्रास आवाहन
डमडमत डमरु ये, खण्खणत शूल ये,
शंख फुंकत ये, येइ रुद्रा ।
प्रलयघनभैरवा, करित कर्कश रवा
क्रूर विक्राळ घे क्रुद्ध मुद्रा ।। ध्रु०।।
कडकडा फोड नभ, उडव उडुमक्षिका,
खडबडवि दिग्गजां, तुडव रविमालिका,
मांड वादळ, उधळ गिरि जशी मृत्तिका
खवळवीं चहुंकडे या समुद्रां ।। १ ।।
पाड सिंहासनें दुष्ट हीं पालथीं,
ओढ हत्तीवरुनि मत्त नृप खालती,
मुकुट रंकास दे करटि भूपाप्रती,
झाड खट्खट् तुझें खड्ग क्षुद्रां ।। २ ।।
जळ तडागं सडे, बुडबुडे, तडतडे
'शांति ही !' बापुडे बडबडति जन-किडे !
धडधडा फोड तट ! रुद्र, ये चहुंकडे,
धगधगित अग्निमंधि उजळ भद्रा ।। ३ ।।
पूर्विं नरसिंह तूं प्रगटुनी फाडिले
दुष्ट जयिं अन्य गृहिं दरवडे पाडिले,
बनुनि नृप, तापुनी चंड, जन नाडिले
दे जयांचें तयां वीरभद्रा ।। ४ ।।
- कविश्रेष्ठ, श्री भा. रा. तांबे