Aniruddha Wishes of New Year to Shraddhavan friends
Today, after a long time I am once again interacting with you. Two very important projects presently under way, namely The Geriatrics Institute Project at Navi Mumbai and the first ever Aniruddha Dham Project at Pune Alandi Road have kept me extremely busy over the last many days. Thereafter, as is the practice every year, I accompanied Bapu to Ganagapur.
On the eve of the new year, I would like to wish each one you, the Shraddhavaan friends of Bapu, and your families, A Very Happy New Year, one that is filled with the grace and benevolence of Bapu. I pray at the lotus feet of Bapu that your journey in the new year be full with joy and bliss, with our Ambadnyatva being the driving force. So far, every year we have been ushering in the new year by doing upasana. I am sure that Bapu’s shraddhavaan friends will welcome this new year in the same atmosphere of joy by doing upasana.
1st of January is important to us Shraddhavaans for yet another reason. This year too, the Dainik Pratyaksha will be publishing a special new year issue on a subject that I have already informed you about – “Social Media – A Comprehensive and Meaningful Use”. For many years now, Sadguru Bapu has been emphasizing the importance of computers and the internet in our lives. Whether it be banking, shopping, children’s education, right from seeking their admission in school and college, to searching for a job, be it for booking of travel tickets or any government related official work and more particularly in offices, computers and internet have come to play an almost indispensable role. Pratyaksha is bringing out this issue with the intention that Shraddhavaan friends should keep pace with the changing times, because in time to come, computers and internet will become an integral part of our lives.
In the seminar on Disaster Management, Bapu had observed, “…today the people are increasingly getting distanced from one another. This, in itself, is a big disaster. In today’s times, preserving our emotional attachment with one another and the feeling of humanness has become a big challenge.”
In the Saisatcharita, in the story involving Madhavrao Deshpande, Shri Sainath tells Ramdasi:
जा बैस जाऊनी स्थानावरी l पोथ्या मिळतील पैशापासरी l माणूस मिळेना आकल्पवरी l विचार अंतरी राखावा ll११७ll
- अध्याय २७
Through this verse, Shri Sainath underlines the importance of our being connected with good people. In today’s hectic lifestyle, social media is precisely going to play this role of connecting people.
In Chapter 19 of Saisatcharita we come across a story in which we see a person always criticizing others. While commenting on this kind of attitude, Shri Sainath says:
“पहा त्या जिभेला काय गोडी l जनलोकांची विष्ठा चिवडी l बंधु-स्वजनावर चडफडी l यथेष्ट फेडी निज हौस ll२०५ll
बहुत सुकृताचिये जोडी lआला नरजन्म जो ऎसा दवडीl तया आत्मघ्ना ही शिरडी lसुखपरवडी काय दे ll२०६ll”
- अध्याय १९
I strongly feel that we all should always keep both these stories at the back of our minds when we are making use of social media.
Just a few hours ago, I made use of social media to interact with our team who has taken up a cleanliness drive at Raigad Fort. I had a conversation lasting 75 minutes with the 350 DMVs from that district, the Pramukh Sevaks from that region, the local volunteers and AADM volunteers who had gone there from Mumbai. It is because of this medium of video conferencing, that sitting in the confines of my office I could actually reach out to them and have a conversation with them. This social media has the capacity to effectively help you to reach out to your friends.
With the hope that, going forward, Bapu’s Shraddhavaan friends will be able to make a comprehensive and meaningful use of the social media, I once again extend to you my heartiest wishes for the new year.

Hari Om
Shri Ram
I am Ambadnya
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