Pratyaksha New Year Special Issue
The New Year Special Issue of Pratyaksha has simply awestruck everyone. The importance, relevance and need of ‘Social Media’ for ‘common man’ was conveyed in very clean, clear-cut and precise terms by Sadguru Bapu in his opening article of the Issue.
The article was followed by a string of simple, lucid and extremely useful articles which explain us the functional, procedural and technical aspects of use of various Social Media like Facebook, Whatsapp, Blogs, YouTube, Twitter and also guide us about etiquettes and precautions to be maintained while operating on Social Media. I also sincerely appreciate efforts of all the writers, designers, editors and all those who have contributed towards making of this Special Issue.
We have received loads of positive comments, feedback, inputs on this Special Issue. These comments have also been reverberating on Facebook, Whatsapp, Blogs, etc. I am appending some of the comments herewith as under.
Hari Om Team, Everyone should read Pratyaksha Visheshank of Todays as well as Vardhapandin Special Edition also it will upgrade our Knowledge Our Dad has Send to us all this precious information without any efforts but he had taken lots of Efforts for us. Todays Edition is full of Social Media Learning Book for us.
Ambadnya and Love u my Dad for giving us precious Gift
Aamhi Ambadnya Aahot....
My Sadguru Aniruddha Bapu's views in His editorial write today's new year issue of Pratyaksha...about how to use social media...We are Ambadnya Bapuraya for Your love and guidance to keep us on the right path....Shreeram
Superb and informative articles by our WEB and IT team in PRATYAKSHA New Year Issue
Loved it....Ambadnya and Congrats
IT'S AWESSSSSOME....the 'Dainik Pratyaksha' New Year Special Issue on 'SOCIAL MEDIA'....informative contents about Blogs, FB, Twitter, Youtube, Vine and what not.... Adv
काय नाही आजच्या 'दै. प्रत्यक्ष' मध्ये आज...?? जस्ट स्टार्ट...फेसबुक , व्हॉट्स अप, ट्विटर, ब्लॉग ... अगदी अथ पासून इति पर्यन्त!!!
I think this new year's Pratkshya is small textbook in easy marathi for not only starters as well as regullar users of social media. A great effort taken by all of you. Ambadnya.
Pratyaksha rocks....ajun ek Paul ramrjyakade..andharatun prakashakade...ambadnya to Samirdada and entire IT and web team. Fantastic lay you dad your tweet was the booster to go ahead ......
Hariom and heartiest congratulations to all the writers team and layout team of The Peatyaksha New Year Issue. Great topics covered . THE HOW TO of FACEBOOK to WHATSAPP to BLOGS to WEBSITES and so on.
Very easy to understand language used. We are really Ambadnya for giving us such wealth of information at one place.
I love you my DAD.
Very well written articles by our Web and IT team in the "Dainik Pratyaksha" Congratulations &Kudos to the team and Superb Guidance from P.SamirDada and Offcourse Our DAD ,our Bapu..We are Ambadnya to Our Mothi Aai For blessing us all with such a Loving Dad.
Thanx &Ambadnya to the Entire team for sharing such Valuable information.
It will be much easier to work on a Computer now and Stay connected Via Social Media
Superlike as they say on the Social Media site! Ambadnya for the New Year Wishes and Muscat Bapu Parivar too extends its warm wishes for a very invigorating 2014 to the global Bapu Parivar. Bapu surely has got His conducive way to keep us on our toes, whether its spirituality, keeping healthy, technological learning or keeping abreast with the global happenings.
Got to read your blog as well as Parampujya’s open tweet vide yesterday’s Agralekha in Daily Pratyaksha. We do not get Pratyaksha in Oman and reading the Agralekha in time was possible due to the social media itself. Bapu has brought out very relevant points in the editorial giving us ample food for thought (and action) for the coming year.
Since last few years Sanstha and the affiliates have grown in leaps and bounds on the web thereby bringing Bapu Community closer and updated in real time. Under Bapu’s tutelage and your direction this has been possible. The direction set by Bapu in the Adhiveshan 2013 is taken further through this issue and we are waiting desperately to get the whole issue in our hand. New Year also gives an opportunity to express our Ambadnyata to the IT Team, your goodself and last but not the least to Bapu. Now its our turn to take action.
हरि ओम दादा ,
दैनिक प्रत्यक्षचा नववर्ष विशेषांक सर्वांसाठी अतिशय उपयुक्त व आवश्यक असा ज्ञानाचा कॉम्पुटर व सोशल मिडीयायाचा परिपूर्ण वापर येणाऱ्या काळामध्ये कसा करावा व काळाच्या सोबत राहण्यासाठी उपयुक्त आहे. कारण या काळाची पाऊले ओळखणारा ” तो ” twiter जबरदस्त आहे. अंबज्ञ .
All I want to say is Ambadnya Bapu for helping all shraddhavaans to be connected. We are fortunate and feel blessed for this progress of ours and I feel the New Year Special Issue of Pratyaksha is going be a Great Gift to all shraddhavaans especially as it is in marathi it is going to help understand various terms in Social Media which are jargons and could not be understood by everyone. Ambadnya!!!