The prayer from Kathamanjiri 4 - 'He' alone is my path, the life path - Part 1-45

The prayer from Kathamanjiri 4 - 'He' alone is my path, the life path - Part 1-45

As mentioned by Sadguru Shree Aniruddha Bapu in the discourse on Thursday, 20 February 2025, here is the English translation of the prayer from editorial series chapter ‘1-45’, ‘Kathamanjiri 4’, which was published in Dainik Pratyaksha on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.


KATHAMANJIRI 4 - 'He' alone is my path, the life path - Part 1-45


Finally, as per his usual habit, Kashinathrao took out his Japmaal (prayer beads) from around his neck and began chanting Mantragajar. Just as he was about to complete one full round of chanting, the others were also finishing their chanting. Because each of them had begun their respective chanting along with Kashinathrao as if they had all checked the time at the exact same moment before starting. 

Kashinathrao put his Japmaal back around his neck, joined both hands, touched them to his forehead, and bowed in reverence to the Swayambhagwan. In an instant, his mind overflowed with emotions. Calling out to God, Kashinathrao began to speak- 


 “O Almighty! O Trivikram! What is happening? It feels as if the roof of the house has been pierced with hundreds of holes, and the rain is pouring down heavily. Which hole should I seal first, and which one later?   

No matter what I do and how much I try, by the time all the holes are sealed, the entire house including its belongings and its people—will already be drenched in water." 

O Almighty! Other than Your lotus feet, we, Your devotees have no other support and refuge!  

O Almighty! What remedy can be superior and best than chanting Your Nama and Your Mantragajar? 

A fish is limited to the size of its pond. Similarly, no matter how vast the reach of a human mind is, when it faces a situation where even intellect fails, where can the mind run, and how far? 

O compassionate One! Our families have been caught in this crisis. 

And most importantly, all our problems are intertwined with one another. To begin unravelling this entangled mess, we must at least find one loose end of the knot, some kind of clue to lead us forward. 

O revered Sadguru! Who else but You will show the way! You alone are our true guide. Do something, O dear! 

O most compassionate Almighty! This is truly a time of crisis. Please do not test us at this time—rather, understand that we have already failed, that we have been defeated. And so, come Yourself and solve our question paper, so that we may pass. 

O Prabhu Rambhadra! Within Your Nama lies the entire universe, and all ways and means required to help and support devotees exist in Your Mantragajar. This is what all the saints have always said, and I have experienced this truth many times.  

Then what is happening today? We do not understand where exactly we are making a mistake, or where have we already gone wrongAnd we do not have the strength to fight such a mighty enemy, nor do we possess the means for such a battle. 

O SadguruSamaratha! To fight against such powerful people, one must be equally powerful. We are all simple, ordinary beings. We do not even have connections with any big political leaders or influential officials, nor do we have great wealth.  

Those wicked people have guns, pistols, and crude bombs. O Sakharama! You were the one who provided screwdrivers to deal with Shintya (Reference: Kathamanjiri 4-1-18) Moreover, even the knives we had proved sufficient.  

Are You, who helped us back then, any different from who You are today? Not at all! You have always been devoted to Your devotees. (Nupekshi Kada Ram Dasabhimani Ram never disdains his devotee; he, in fact, dotes on him - Saint Ramdas). Then surely, the fault must be ours; either we are making a mistake now, or a grave mistake has already been made in the past. 

So be it! Maybe that is the case! But O Atmarama! You are indeed the one who resides in our hearts and orchestrates this entire play.  

You are the one who sets the rules of the game of life, You are the teacher who teaches us how to play, and You are the umpire who declares us ‘out’. 

O Ocean of Love! The seven seas may dry up one day, but even a single drop of You will never be exhausted—you alone are eternal. 

O God of Gods! You are the ocean, You are the clouds, You are the rainwater, You are the river, You are the well, and most importantly, You are the very cup of water in our hands—an inexhaustible cup, never-endingjust like Your inexhaustible quiver. 

O Harihara! The situation is critical. We see a dead end. You always stand firm, with hands placed on Your waist, but we are unable to reach You. Please do rush to our aid! Please do rush!!!