Face to face with my Sadguru
Mr. Shailesh Gopalkrishna Ullal
I was employed with Lufthansa Airlines, Mumbai Branch in the finance and administration department. On 19th October 2002, I heard that the finance and administration department of our office and the Chennai branch were going to be merged and the new branch would be operational in Delhi. I was truly upset. I had been offered two options, either to opt for VRS or to shift to Delhi on transfer. I did not want to shift to Delhi so I requested my brother-in-law, Vinaysinh Balse to seek the guidance of Parampujya Suchitdada in this matter since I was in no condition to take any decision whatsoever. Parampujya Suchitdada advised me to chant the "Ghorkashtoddharan Stotra" 27 times as a matter of daily routine.
Gradually, I sensed some changes in the office. The Management Committee of my office decided that my services would continue until March 2004. The duration was then extended to April 2005. During this period, I kept experiencing Sadguru Bapu’s compassion. In October 2004, there were a few vacancies at the Mumbai office since some employees had opted for the VRS. However, since I was going to continue in my department till April 2005, I did not apply for any of these posts. A miracle took place on the Aniruddha Pournima of 2004. A high official, the chief of the Head Office in Delhi, called me up and asked me to apply in the Sales and Service department. She said that she has already spoken to the officials in that department. As per this development and my discussion with the chief officer of my department, I applied. By Bapu's Grace, I got the good news the same day, the day of the Aniruddha Pournima. I had to join the Sales and Service department at Mumbai from 1st January 2005. Parampujya Bapu not only safeguarded my job but also averted my unwanted transfer to New Delhi. Bapu, You really care. My pranama billion times over at your feet.